Art & Design
Head of Art and Design
Mrs J. Chittick
BA Hons Fine and Applied Art,
PGCE Art and Design
Teacher of Art and Design
Mrs J. Colwell
BA Hons Fashion & Textile Design,
PGCE Art and Design
Mrs G. McLaughlin
Key Stage 3 Curriculum
The programme of learning for each pupil provides progression, challenge and a sense of achievement and success. Active learning experiences through working with a broad range of media and processes are embedded in the schemes of work, these include:
Drawing and painting
Malleable materials
Photography and Video
Information & Communication Technology

Schemes of work are continually appraised and reviewed in light of contemporary practice and new advances in technology and design so that learning within Art and Design is engaging and purposeful.
The Art and Design Department aims to stimulate high achievement and a love for learning in Art and Design starting at Key Stage 3, consequentially building a good foundation for those pupils who elect to study Art and Design at GCSE and Advanced Level.
Studying Art and Design at GCSE and Advanced Level
The creative industries are a fast-growing area of the economy and are key to economic success. Northern Ireland and the UK have an established reputation in these industries. The study of Art and Design creates a pathway to a future career in a creative-industries- related field and has an inherent capacity to develop key transferable skills and qualities, which are highly sought after by employers.
GCSE Course Overview
Component 1:
Part A:
Exploratory Portfolio
Core Knowledge and understanding
Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of formal visual elements through practical skills. They explore media, techniques and processes in at least two disciplines.
Controlled Assessment
Portfolio of experimental work - Teacher assessed, externally moderated by CCEA
Part A: 25%
50 marks
Part B:
Investigating the Creative and Cultural Industries
Core skills
Students become increasingly skilled at developing ideas, applying understanding of relevant practices, refining their ideas, recording as they go and using visual language critically.
Personal Outcome or Design Solution
Teacher assessed, externally moderated by CCEA
Part B: 35%
70 marks
Component 2:
Externally Set
A stimulus paper is released in early January of the examination year.
Students complete a minimum of 20 hours of preparatory work in response to the theme.
Students also complete a final outcome within a set 10 hour examination period.
Controlled Assessment
Externally set and
internally assessed.
CCEA set a stimulus paper that provides a choice of themed starting points.
Externally moderated by CCEA
80 marks
A Level Course Overview
AS 1: Experimental Portfolio
Students base their portfolio on a theme issued in a stimulus paper set by CCEA at the beginning of the AS course.
Teachers assess work and CCEA moderate results
Assessment Objectives 1, 2 and 3 are assessed.
50% of AS
20% of A Level
AS 2: Personal Response
Students respond to a theme issued at the beginning of the AS course. It includes developmental work and an outcome that stems from research and exploratory work completed for AS 1.
Teachers assess the controlled task and CCEA moderate results
Assessment Objective 4 is more heavily weighted then assessment objectives 1, 2 and 3.
50% of AS
20% of A Level
Unit A2 1:
Personal and Critical Investigation
Building on the skills and interests developed at AS level, students should develop a personal investigation based loosely on an idea, issue, subject or concept inspired by a broad theme set by CCEA.
Written investigation 1000–2000 words – externally assessed. Teachers assess the practical investigation, and CCEA moderate the results.
Assessment Objectives 1,2, and 3 only.
20% of A2
12% of A Level (Written)
40% of A2
24% of A Level (Practical)
Unit A2 2: Thematic Outcome
Students respond to a theme issued at the beginning of the A2 course. It includes developmental work and an outcome that stems from research and exploratory work completed for A2 1.
Teachers assess students’ work, and CCEA moderate the results.
Assessment Objective 4 more heavily weighted than Assessment Objectives 1,2 and 3
40% of A2
24% of A Level
**More information is available on the Omagh Academy Art and Design Department Facebook page**