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Business Studies



G Bingham (Head of Department)

​Mrs R Beattie

GCSE Business Studies

Unit 1: Starting a Business


Creating a Business


Entrepreneurs, business resources, business ownership, the public sector, social enterprises, business location, aims and objectives and stakeholders.




Market research, marketing mix, competition, customer service, international business, e-business and m-business.


Business Operations


Types of production, methods of manufacturing, quality assurance and health and safety.

Unit 2: Developing a Business


Human Resources


Recruitment, selection, developing people, training and motivation.


Business Growth


Business success and failure and growth.




Sources of finance, cash flow forecasts, analysing business accounts and break even.

Unit 3: Planning a Business (synoptic)


Drawing up a Business Plan.

How Will the Subject be Assessed?




Paper 1 (worth 40% of final mark)

The course content covered in Unit 1 is assessed in an external written examination made up of short structured questions and extended writing.


Paper 2 (worth 40% of final mark)

The course content covered in Unit 2 is assessed in an external written examination made up of short structured questions and extended writing.


Controlled Assessment (worth 20% of final mark)

The pupils complete the following: Booklet A, a research task, and Booklet B, a structured report writing task.  The tasks will be internally assessed and externally moderated. 

Skills Developed in This Subject


Pupils develop the ability to make rational business decisions through the application of appropriate knowledge and understanding.  Pupils are tested with regard to how they can apply their knowledge rather than the facts they can remember.  The following skills are developed: numeracy, I.C.T., literacy, discovery, selection, application, interpretation and presentation of relevant sources of information.

Careers Note


Business Studies is a new subject to all pupils entering Year 11.  The subject gives pupils a grounding in the basics of business and knowledge about the world they will enter when they leave school.  The subject can be continued at AS/A-Level.  The subject is of particular relevance to careers in Banking, Finance, Administration and Management.

A-Level Business Studies


The following areas – Business Ownership, Marketing, Finance, Human Resources, Production, the Economy and Globalisation - are investigated in four modules:

AS Course

AS 1


Introduction to Business


In this unit you will gain an understanding of the central purpose of business activity and the different forms of business organisations.  You will also study entrepreneurs, stakeholders, markets, demand and supply, different types of quality management, investment and productivity, organisational design, investing in people, motivation and leadership styles.




An external examination paper containing two short case studies with structured data response questions.  The examination is worth 50% of AS / 20% of A Level

AS 2


Growing the Business


You will learn about competition, market research, marketing mix, elasticity of demand, market planning, e-business, sources of finance, break-even analysis, cash flow, budgeting and financial statements. 




An external examination paper containing two short case studies with structured data response questions.  The examination is worth 50% of AS / 20% of A Level

A2 Course

A2 1


Strategic Decision Making


You will study business objectives, organisational culture, stakeholder objectives, communication, economies of scale, business strategy and planning, decision tree analysis, risk and uncertainty, company accounts, ratio analysis and investment appraisal. 




An external examination paper containing one lengthy case study with five compulsory structured data response questions.  The examination is worth 30% of A Level.

A2 2


The Competitive Business Environment


You will look beyond small businesses to appreciate macroeconomics and globalisation.  You will become aware of business ethics and corporate responsibility and the fact that business organisations must anticipate and manage change.  We also look at organisational design and monopolies and mergers.




An external examination paper containing one lengthy case study with six compulsory structured data response questions.  The examination is worth 30% of A Level.

Skills Developed in This Subject


Students learn to appreciate the workings of the “real” business world that awaits them when they leave school.  Students are required to write with opinions, backed up with relevant knowledge and come up with justifiable conclusions.  The financial aspects of the course see basic mathematical knowledge applied to business situations.

Careers Note


An Asset for the study of Business/Economics courses at tertiary level.  An understanding of business can form part of other university courses, e.g. Engineering.  Relevant to careers in Banking, Finance, Retail, Law, Administration and Management.

Information Note


Most pupils who study A-Level Business Studies have already studied the subject at GCSE.  This is desirable but not essential. Pupils who would like to take up the subject for the first time at A-Level are welcome.

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