Mrs L. Dickson (Head of Department)
Mr K. Hamilton
Mr G. Bingham (responsibility for LLW)
Key Stage 3
Year 8 pupils are introduced to careers through the Employability component of Learning for Life and Work (1 period each week). This strand is designed to develop personal qualities, skills, knowledge, understanding and attitudes which will give pupils a strong foundation for lifelong learning and the world of work. In Year 10, careers is taught through the PSE programme. Pupils receive subject specific advice from each department in a GCSE options booklet before choosing their GCSE subjects.
Key Stage 4
Year 11 pupils continue with the Employability strand of Learning for Life and Work (1 period each week). Year 12 pupils have a timetabled careers class focussing on action plans, options at post-16, skills and qualities needed for employment and individual careers research using the careers library, the internet and careers software packages. Each Year 12 pupil is interviewed by the Head of Department and the Careers Advisor from the Department of Employment and Learning on their options at the end of Year 12. In addition, a Post 16 Open Evening is held in February at which pupils attend presentations by Heads of Department from subjects offered at A level in Omagh Academy.
Year 13
Pupils in Year 13 continue to have a timetabled careers period each week. Issues covered include the process of applying to University, together with its advantages and disadvantages. Year 13 pupils also get the opportunity to participate in work experience in June. Specific talks are held by Universities and employers such as the Army, the RAF and PWC throughout the year. Year 13 pupils are also encouraged to participate in virtual work experiences that relate to their career interests.
Year 14
Year 14 pupils are allocated a careers period where small groups of pupils receive individual advice and guidance on completing their UCAS and CAO applications. Trips are organised to Ulster University and Queen’s University, Belfast Open Days. Interview Skills Day is held in early October to prepare pupils for University and job interviews.
The Head of Careers is available for consultation at parents’ evenings and by appointment at other times throughout the year.