L. Donnelly (Head of ICT and eLearning Department, and ICT Co-ordinator)
C. Hempton
R. Beattie
A. Braden
A. McGlinchey (ICT Technician)
In addition to the cross-curricular ICT provision across all areas of Study we have discrete ICT classes throughout the school. All pupils receive two periods of ICT per Year in Years 8-10. They acquire skills necessary to become proficient ICT users and this learning is consolidated through collaborative tasks with school subjects across the Areas of Study.
We want our pupils to
master the tools and technology needed
for the digital world in which we live
and equip them for their future.
Year 8
Introduction to Office 365 and Microsoft Teams, Emailing, Drawing in Microsoft Word, Computer Basics, Working Safely using Computer Systems, Spreadsheets, Internet Safety, Desktop Publishing, Input and Output Devices and Scratch.
Year 9
Graphic design, Photoshop, Air-Brushing, Databases, Networks, Malware, Cyber-bullying, Presentation software and Recording voice overs.
Year 10
Website development, HTML coding, Game development, Gamemaker programming, Safer Gaming and online grooming, Gaming addiction, Video production and Python programming.
CCEA Digital Technology - Multimedia
Compulsory core unit
Unit 1: Digital Technology
External written examination 1 hour
Year 11
Multimedia units
Unit 2: Digital Authoring Concepts
External written examination 1 hour 30 mins
Year 12
Unit 3: Digital Authoring Practice
Controlled Assessment
Year 12
CCEA Digital Technology - Programming
Compulsory core unit
Unit 1: Digital Technology
External written examination 1 hour
Year 11
Multimedia units
Unit 4: Digital Development Concepts
External written examination 1 hour 30 mins
Year 12
Unit 5: Digital Development Practice
Controlled Assessment
Year 12
A Level
CCEA Digital Technology
AS 1: Approaches to Systems Development
External written examination
1 hour 30 minutes
50% AS
20% of A Level
AS 2: Fundamentals of Digital Technology
External written examination
1 hour 30 minutes
50% AS
20% of A Level
A2 1: Information Systems
External written examination
2 hours 30 minutes
40% of a Level
A2 2: Application Development
(Case Study)
Internal assessment
Students compile a portfolio showing evidence of the analysis, design, development, testing and evaluation of an application for a specified end user.
20% of A Level
Informational Technology - OCR Cambridge Technical Level 3 Extended Certificate in IT. (Vocational course)
AS Unit 1: Fundamentals of IT
External Assessed Examination
1 hour 30 minutes
90 Guided Learning Hours
AS Unit 2: Global Information
External Assessed Examination
1 hour 30 minutes
90 Guided Learning Hours
A2 Unit 3: Cyber Security
External Assessed Examination
1 hour
60 Guided Learning Hours
A2 Unit 8: Project Management
Internally Assessed Coursework Unit
1 hour
60 Guided Learning Hours
A2 Unit 11: Systems Analysis and Design
Internally Assessed Coursework Unit
1 hour
60 Guided Learning Hours
‘Byte This’ Club
The ICT department runs an ICT Lunch-time computer club three days a week for all pupils. The main objectives of the club are to encourage and give our pupils the opportunity to develop their ICT skills, meet new friends and have some fun!
Children get the opportunity to play Minecraft along with other activities held throughout the year such as: program Micro bit pocket sized computers, Robots, Drones, along with other fun digital activities.
Trips are also organised. This year we enjoyed a trip to the Ulster Musuem in conjunction with Liberty IT, where pupils got the opportunity to enhance their coding skills.