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Learning for Life & Work



Mr G Bingham (Co-ordinator of LLW, with particular responsibility for Citizenship)

Mrs L Dickson (Head of Careers and overseeing Employability)

Mrs A Lennox (Teacher i/c Personal Development)

Mrs G Buchanan

Mrs L Totten


LLW incorporates the provision of lessons in the areas of:


Personal development, by way of our PD programme.

Home Economics, by way of our HE department.

Employability, primarily by way of discrete LLW/Careers classes.

Citizenship, primarily by way of discrete LLW classes.


Personal Development

Home Economics




In PSE period on Tuesday mornings

Double period of HE

One Single period for 20 weeks

One single period for 20 weeks


In PSE period on Tuesday mornings

Double period of HE

One Single period for 20 weeks

One single period for 20 weeks


In PSE period on Tuesday mornings

Double period of HE

During the Careers module of PSE

Collapsed Timetable events in June


In PSE period on Tuesday mornings

HE no longer compulsory for LLW

One single period for 20 weeks

One single period for 20 weeks


In PSE period on Tuesday mornings

HE no longer compulsory for LLW

In discrete Careers period

Possibly in a module in the careers period

Employability Modules:


Year 8


Skills, Qualities and Values, Communication, Teamwork, Setting up in Business, Getting to know our own Business community, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary


Year 9


The Work Generator, 21st Century Entrepreneurship, First Steps


Year 10


Careers advice for GCSE options


Year 11


What are my options?, The Right Move, What Employers want.


Year 12


My Action Plan, Careers Booklet work


Local and Global Citizenship Modules:


Year 8


Diversity and Inclusion, Human Rights and Social Responsibility


Year 9


Equality and Social Justice


Year 10


Democracy and Active Participation (by way of cross-departments events incorporating History, Politics, Maths and ICT)


Year 11


A closer look at Democracy and Justice.


We have taken part in the past in joint events with Loreto Grammar School Omagh.


We do not presently offer GCSE LLW at Omagh Academy.

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