Senior Drama Club
We have a fantastic tradition of top quality dramatic perfromances in Omagh Academy.
This year's prodcution was Willy Russell's play
Strule Arts Centre
November 2014.

from the archives!
2013 - Rodgers & Hammerstein's musical - Oklahoma!
2012 - George Bernard Shaw's play - Pygmalion.
2011 - Terence Rattigan's play - The Winslow Boy.
Omagh Academy Players Triumph with The Winslow Boy.
Over the years Omagh Academy Players have earned a well-deserved reputation for the high standard of their annual productions. For this seasons's offering they chose a modern classic, 'The Winslow Boy' by Terence Rattigan and gave it superb interpretation in terms of setting, characterization and overall delivery.
The play tells the story of Ronald Winslow, a cadet at the Royal Navy College, Osborne, who is accused of stealing a postal order for five shillings belonging to another cadet. His family refuse to accept the findings of a College investigation and engage the services on an eminent barrister, Sir Robert Morton, (based on the real life Sir Edward Carson) to establish the boys innocence.
All members of the cast and production team are to be congratulated on a highly professional production. Each role was sensitively interpreted and convincingly played, with the actors sustaining the appropriate accents. Particularly impressive was the scene in which Sir Robert Morton rigorously examines the accused boy, the parts being played by John Edgar and Keane Davidson respectively. The other cast members were Laura Sproule, Sarah Jones, Grace O'Neil, Ben Knox, Nolan Donnelly, Thomas Reid, Rachel Kirke, Alex Beattie, Emma McFarland and Aaron McCann.
The set was designed by Mr Roy Wilkinson and the production's costumier was the indefatigable Mrs Patricia Cairns. The producers were Trudy Crozier, and Emily Hunter with direction by Mr Murphy. Congratulations to all concerned!