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Year 11 and 12 GCSE Agriculture Trip to Greenmount College

Last Friday (the 17th of November) Year 11 and 12 GCSE Agriculture pupils visited Greenmount College in Antrim to learn more about the practical elements of Agriculture. First, the pupils enjoyed a walk through the constructed wetland habitat area to learn how dirty water from farm yards can be passed through a sequence of ponds so that it can be discharged pollution free into nearby rivers.

This was followed by a talk on career opportunities for CAFRE students and a tour of the renewable energies area to learn more about biomass boilers, solar panels and wind turbines. The tour ended with a visit to the Dairy Development Centre where the pupils received a talk on nutrition for dairy cows, genetics and milk yield, which was followed by a fascinating talk on animal health and welfare.

The pupils were able to see the practical applications of the theory they are learning in class. Thanks to Mrs Davison for arranging the visit and to Greenmount staff for hosting it.

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