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Post 16 Careers Event

Thursday 21st February, 2019 (7pm to 9pm).

Omagh Academy will hold an information evening for Year 12 pupils and their parents on ‘Post 16’ options available at the school. The evening will begin at 7pm in the Assembly Hall with introductory talks by the Principal, Mrs Ruth Maxwell, and the Head of Careers, Mr Keith Hamilton. Pupils and their parents will then have the opportunity to visit subject departments to hear short presentations from Heads of Department on the various subjects offered at A Level.

These presentations will include –

  • Subject Content

  • How the subject is assessed

  • Skills developed

  • ‘Entrance requirements’ i.e. what GCSE grade or profile a pupil would need to have before they choose the particular subject

  • Career Opportunities

  • Extra-curricular activities promoted through the subject

Pupils from other schools in the area and their parents are also warmly invited to attend

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